Sunday, May 2, 2010


I believe in "copyright laws" so I'm giving my friend Joan Walker full credit for this recipe even though she could care less if I did, but I will anyway. She and I are avid students of Weight Watchers (some of us more successful than others) she has made it to goal and I am still diligently working on chipping off a pound at a time. So she is always trying to come up with great recipes that are Weight Watcher worthy, or as I like to call it; "Chub Scout" friendly. Here is one of our favorites:

"Roasted Vegetable Fajita's"
(not the best copy, just click on picture then print)

Bon Appetite!


  1. Hey Terry - this is too funny. I misplaced my recipe this weekend and viola! Here it is on your blog -your timing is exquisite!


  2. How perfect is that!
    Yes I'm in blogland already today!

  3. Love your little inserts on the right margin.

    The Vegetable Fajita looks so good. I might try it but you know, I'm pretty much a potato and meat cook. From my MN bringing up on the farm during the depression.
    With love always, MIL

  4. MIL, I'll have to come up with more meat and potato recipes...minus the meat;)
    PS, click on the inserts on my margins, its take you to another world...


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