Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ladies Tea and Apron Auction

Saturday I was invited by my MIL (aka Betty B.) to a fund raiser at Clarkes grange in which proceeds went to the Colton food bank. 
The extension group that my MIL belongs to, orchestrated the entire event; a ladies tea and luncheon and silent auction to help raise funds.
The room was all dressed up in the finest tea-ware around, pretty tea cups, chintz plates, servers and silver and the ladies were all wearing darling vintage aprons. 
On the menu: Lemon-ginger scones, darling little tea sandwiches, pastries and sweet treats along with wonderful tea lovingly served in the sweetest collection of assorted tea pots.
The fun was yet to come order to raise funds you have to have something to bid on, in this case, aprons, lots and lots of aprons! 
Most of them vintage, some new, some serious but every one of them cute and putting on their best show for bidding.
Here's a few pictures of a lovely day...come on in, the door is open...



The front of the apron I won the bid on...
more on that later.

just a few of those cute aprons!


  1. What a lovely event; tea-time pared with vintage aprons. Your description of the event and all that came with it was wonderful, too! And, the lady in pearls did match perfectly with the surroundings- so pretty how you captured it, Terry. Will talk soon, Love Lori

  2. Great pictures of the Tea Party...Adding aprons to this event was such a good idea.
    Aunt Patty

  3. How nice!! A ladies tea sounds so "southern"! Beautiful china. Sounds like fun!

  4. Thank you Terry. This is so nice, and the added music is great. I see my sister Patty beat me to this, but living in MN gives her a 2 hr advantage.
    Love MIL

  5. Oh Terry, this is lovely - I'm so jealous!


  6. You had me at lemon ginger scones!!!! How lovely is this! I could also eat up that strawberry cheesecake!! Looks like a wonderful time and for a good cause!

  7. I see you like Paris! You will have to go back to February and March in my archives and see our visit to Paris and Germany!

  8. Kathryn, I took a look and now I want to go!

  9. Tea and aprons, two of my favorite things!


  10. A Warm Hello!
    Thank you so VERY much for popping over, saying hi, and leaving such a kind comment!! Your blog is wonderful! I love your gift of storytelling! You are lovely and and have a great outlook. Blog Heaven! You will see me regularly!! I am new to the blog world, but if I can help in any way, just ask! Take good Care, Jody

  11. Hi Terry........I love the idea of selling the aprons as a fund raiser. I help head out a Tea at our Park in Feb so maybe we can do this as a fund raiser. We serve about 159 women and it is a fun time!
    Aunt Marie AZ

  12. Marie, do you need aprons?
    Please email me at:

    Talk soon,

  13. Terry, did you notice she said February, you no what it is like here in Feb. and what it is like in AZ in Feb., so sounds like a great time to take a trip to AZ and bring the aprons in person, maybe Pat from MN might make it too.
    Love MIL

  14. A nice idea to raise money. I wonder if all the tea cups and accessories were from individual people who donated them? The tea aprons are wonderful.


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