Monday, April 19, 2010

Too pooped to Post...

Stay tuned to a BlogSpot near you for more...
right now I just need to go put my feet foot up...


  1. You'll feel better when you get to work. I know how your job always energizes you.


  2. Sounds like a long Monday for you to be too pooped to post.
    Enjoyed the quiche recipe, you are doing a great job with this.


  3. Yes very long, but I'm so glad you checked in, its nice hearing from my "loyal followers" :)
    I have a class tonight, tomorrow morning (finance 101, BLAH! I hate that word) and Thursday morning but will post all the goin-on's as soon as I stop long enough to sit back down...

  4. Lovvvve!! the pic's . I have visited a few times but wasn't sure how to post,until our Wonderful MIL told me how...I just love her. You are so multi-talented and absolutely fabulous at everything you do . can't wait to see more....
    Your SIL, T

  5. What a wonderful compliment from my other DIL T. Thanks so much T, I love you too.Yes I have two DIL and one D and I am so fortunate. Love to all three, MIL

  6. Wow to my wonderful MIL, SIL, (the other TB) NVS, and S's...I love you all and thank you, so much for humoring me. It means so much that you all want to follow along in life and come sit and chat for a spell.
    I have a couple recipes I want to try out this weekend along with a few (hundred) projects:) so stay tuned for more fun and frolic...

  7. TB thank you so much for the lovely compliments, and MIL thank you for helping on the posting instructions.
    PS be sure to click on each photo, that'll enlarge them for better viewing...


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