Saturday, June 4, 2011

Life is good...

This was how the day began...the first 80 degree day, the warmest in 6 months, no kidding! Now mind you, if I could, I'd have been in a bikini today...oh wait, I haven't been in a bikini since I was sixteen and that was a long time ago...anyway back to the glorious Oregon day we had...

looking out my back door at 9:30 this morning...

by the end of the day, I was ready to pour a crisp, glass of Pinot Gris for me...and a smoky red for Mr. LBV...

and enjoy an appetizer with Machismo Mouse that finally came to live with me after falling in love with him on our trip to Tahoe...

the day was so warm, we threw open the sash...

and we were all feeling the warmth and blessings of the day...

including the little Pearl girl...ah life is good isn't it!


  1. Ah I so agree I had every window I could think of open and the breeze was wonderful a warm Oregon day. I am so ready, not for HOT just nice and warm.
    Love the kitty.

  2. I can see that Pearl is taking advantage of the gorgeous sunlight! We did nothing today but plan for this trip and starting to pack. The next three days are going to be busy!!! So glad you have some warm weather! It is about time you catch up!!!

  3. You weren't giving that Pearl any wine now, were you cuz she looks like she is pretty laid out to me!;>) Sounds like a perfect day~ xoDiana

  4. Sounds like a glorious day!!! Pearl is doing exactly what is expected on a beautiful day like that! We have had the strangest weather here in Missouri. It was 97 yesterday and the same today. Went from a cold winter, cool wet spring to a HOT pre-summer! But I love the sun!! Have a great week!

  5. WOW..what a lovely view you have, and yes I agree, Life is goooooooood!


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