Saturday, November 27, 2010

It's Beginning to look a lot like Christmas everywhere you go...

So I think I'll start gussying up the house for that very back soon...

Several people have emailed me asking about this ornament.
This is a handmade crocheted, beaded ornament that a friend of mine made for me about thirty years ago, I have about six in the collection, though she made hundreds of these over time to give to people.
This friend was from Boston with a very distinct Bostonian accent and at the time she gave it to me, she said this to me;

"Now you hang onto these and don't lose them, because someday they'll be heirlooms"...

I guess she was right...
Here's another one in the collection, the rest are still packed and waiting for the tree:)


  1.'s that time of year again!!! Thanksgiving AND Christmas all in the same weekend! I love it! xo

  2. I'm working on mine also! Lots of work but worth it!

  3. We just got home from Thanksgiving in Tennessee! My stuff is going up tomorrow!!! Woo hooooooo!!!

  4. That is what I have been doing too, I love it! Your tree is going to be fantastic, can't wait to see the rest.


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