Sunday, August 8, 2010

A Stroll Through My Garden...

above; Geranium, Mosaic

above; pink Verbena

above; Peaches and Dreams Dahlia

above; Cherish Dahlia

above; Tempest Dahlia

above; Checkers Dahlia

Thank you for joining me for an evening stroll through my garden...let's do it again next summer!


  1. Your flowers are just beautiful!! You can tell your area isn't suffering from the draught and heat that we have had for weeks now! Beautiful pictures, too!

  2. Wonderful delights in your garden!!! I'm loving your Dalhia ... must add some to our gardens. BEAUTIFUl.. just beautiful... HHL

  3. Looks like everything in your garden is happy and thriving. Ours here in N.Nevada don't have much going on now except for the butterfly bush and day lillies, oh and petunias.

  4. Your flowers are so beautiful right now! Such a nice mix of bold colors. I really like the Peaches & Cream Dahlia. It looks good enough to eat! :-)


  5. Oh how I love Dahlias and those Peaches and Dreams are beautiful!! I fell in love with them when we visited the Island of Flowers in Germany. It is a whole island that is covered with all kinds of flowers, but I kept going back to the Dahlias. Stunning!!!

  6. Your flowers are stunning!! Thank you so much for being so sweet and thoughtful as well!!

  7. The Dahlia photos are gorgeous! I've never seen the Peaches & Cream one - may have to get one of those next year.

  8. In my garden: Dried, withered flowers from too much heat, too little water, and a gardener who is not attentive enough to them! I'm pretending to let them go to seed so I'll have a beautiful garden all from seed next year!

    It's all about tweaking details to suit me..

  9. Terry, Now THESE are some beautiful pictures! I am thinking you have a really good camera! Well, I thank you for your kind comment, but I am not a photographer and my camera is a simple coolpix special lens and no ability to control light. I think some of my pictures come out fine because of the time of day (early morning and late afternoon when the light is best!) but for most of my shots (playroom and guest retreat post) they come out dark! So you are way too kind! I am begging for a new camera for my birthday in November! Any ideas on a good one!? I do want a special lens to get close ups...I will have to add an e-mail address to my profile...I started this blog just as my children were getting out of school and haven't had much time to work on it...layout needs some pictures and I need to add a profile! Maybe when school starts in a week, I can address it! Hope you are having a wonderful summer! We are about to start the hustle and bustle again...not ready for it!!
    three pixie lane

  10. My summer garden has flowers, but only the kind that will live through 110 degrees! You really are a great photographer!


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